Learning Through Mistakes: How Deliberate Errors Can Boost Student Engagement and Retention
March 19, 2024 October 23, 2024
Forget Everything You Know About Note-Taking: Unleash the Power of Deliberate Errors!
Imagine a world where making mistakes in class boosts your learning. Sounds crazy, right? Well, a new study suggests that incorporating deliberate errors into your note-taking can be a game-changer.
This blog, as well as Part 2 of this mistake-driven learning series, dives deep into the fascinating concept of “deliberate erring” and how it can revolutionize learning. We’ll explore:
- The traditional note-taking methods (Cornell, outlines, sketchnotes, guided notes) and their strengths.
- A groundbreaking study by Wong and Lim challenging the idea of error-free note-taking.
- How deliberately making and correcting errors in your notes can improve memory and knowledge application.
- Practical strategies for teachers to incorporate deliberate erring into various subjects, from history misconceptions to science concepts.
Get ready to embrace mistakes and use them to help students learn!
Popular Note-Taking Methods
Note-taking is a foundational skill in numerous educational settings, especially in middle and high schools. This practice is often encouraged or mandated as an integral component of the learning process. Let’s examine how note-taking can effectively connect with deliberate errors to enhance student learning and engagement.
To effectively incorporate deliberate errors within note-taking, it’s essential first to recognize students’ most common types of note-taking methods. Each method offers unique advantages in helping students process, understand, and reflect on classroom content. The most prevalent note-taking methods include:
- Cornell Notes: many people first learned about Cornell Notes when reading Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement (2001). Cornell Notes are designed to organize notes efficiently with sections for critical points, details, and summaries, helping students distill and review a lesson’s main ideas.
- Outlines (Linear Note): Another standard method is the creation of outlines, which structure information hierarchically, delineating significant topics, subtopics, and details in a clear, organized way. This approach is beneficial for understanding the relationship between different parts of the lesson.
- Sketch Notes: Sketch notes are the brainchild of designer Mike Rohde, who defines them as “rich visual notes created from a mix of handwriting, drawings, hand-lettering, shapes, and visual elements like arrows, boxes, and lines.” This freeform method allows students to process information visually instead of the traditional linear notes.
- Guided Notes: This form of note-taking involves a template provided by the teacher with critical points and concepts partially filled in. Students complete these notes with the relevant information during the lesson. This method focuses on decreasing the time to complete the notes.
Regardless of the specific notetaking format employed, the underlying principle is that students must transcribe the information as it is presented or summarize it accurately. The act of notetaking, when summarizing, reinforces learning, as it requires students to process and reframe the information in their own words, thereby deepening their comprehension.
The ultimate goal of these notetaking methods is to equip students with the necessary tools and information to effectively study and apply what they have learned in the lesson.
What if we change the normal note-taking process and incorporate deliberate errors into our notes?
Applying Error Analysis to Note-Taking: Insights from a 2022 Study
Incorporating deliberate errors into the note-taking process presents a fascinating twist on traditional learning methods. A 2022 study by Wong and Lim delved into this concept, exploring the impact and effectiveness of ‘deliberate erring’ in learning. This approach, rooted in cognitive psychology, suggests that intentionally making and then correcting errors can significantly enhance learning.
The study focused on two main concepts:
- Counterintuitive Nature of Deliberate Errors: Traditionally, errors are seen as detrimental to learning. Deliberate erring goes against this, suggesting that intentionally making and correcting mistakes, even when the correct answer is known, can be beneficial.
- Enhancement of Memory and Learning: The study suggests that deliberate erring can aid memory retention and learning. When students correct their intentional mistakes, it may lead to more effective encoding of the correct information, creating stronger memory traces and facilitating deeper cognitive processing. Errors act as semantic mediators, helping to reinforce the retrieval of accurate information.
Experimental Insights:
- Measuring the ‘Derring Effect’: The study aimed to validate the hypothesis that deliberate erring (Derring Effect) can lead to better learning outcomes than traditional error avoidance methods. It focused on knowledge retention and application in new contexts, prioritizing meaningful learning over memorization.
- Experiment Design: The researchers conducted two experiments using texts on geography and medicine. Participants either practiced deliberate erring or engaged in traditional, errorless learning techniques such as underlining and concept mapping. The effectiveness of these methods was evaluated in terms of basic retention and higher-order application tasks.
- Comparison with Established Learning Techniques: The study juxtaposed deliberate erring against popular techniques like underlining and concept mapping, known for their effectiveness in information selection and organization. The goal was to assess whether deliberate erring provides additional benefits.
Metacognitive Awareness: An essential aspect of the study was assessing learners’ awareness of the effectiveness of various learning strategies, especially since students often undervalue the role of errors in learning.
Breaking Down the Deliberate Erring Note-Taking Example
In the study, participants in the Concept-Error Condition were instructed to introduce and correct plausible errors in their notes intentionally. For example, on the topic of bats:
- Traditional Note-Taking: Students wrote, “Bats are mammals that fly” in their notes.
- Deliberate Erroring Note-Taking: Students initially wrote, “Bats are birds that fly,” then corrected ‘birds’ to ‘mammals.’
Participants were then asked to read a text and take notes according to their group (Copy Condition or Concept-Error Condition), applying their assigned method for 25 minutes.
This innovative approach to note-taking, as explored in Wong and Lim’s study, offers intriguing possibilities for enhancing student learning through the strategic use of errors.
Study Results: Assessing the Impact of Deliberate Erring in Learning
The study by Wong and Lim produced significant results, indicating the effectiveness of deliberate erring in enhancing learning outcomes. The findings are presented in several panels, each highlighting different aspects of the impact of this approach.

Panel A: Application Text Score The first set of results, shown in Panel A, focuses on learners’ ability to apply the material in analyzing a novel news event. Compared to the method of elaborating on the text by generating correct conceptual synonyms (average score = 4.05, standard deviation = 3.28), deliberate erring significantly improved performance (average score = 5.88, standard deviation = 3.91). This demonstrates that deliberate erring can enhance learners’ ability to apply what they have learned in new and different contexts. |
Panel B: Recall Test Scores Panel B details the outcomes of the recall test, with a maximum possible score of 40. Participants in the concept-error condition (average recall score = 10.88, standard deviation = 6.47) recalled significantly more idea units from the study text than those in the concept-synonym condition (average recall score = 7.88, standard deviation = 6.42). The statistical analysis showed a clear advantage for deliberate erring over an errorless generation of conceptual synonyms regarding recall, highlighting its effectiveness in memory retention. |
Panel C: Metacognitive Judgments of Learning (JOLs) Panel C examines the participants’ metacognitive judgments of learning (JOLs), specifically their predictions about how much information they would remember on the final test. This aspect of the study is crucial in understanding how learners perceive their learning processes and the effectiveness of different strategies, including deliberate erring. |
The results from these panels collectively suggest that deliberate erring enhances learners’ ability to recall information and improves their capacity to apply knowledge in new situations. Moreover, it offers insights into the metacognitive aspects of learning, emphasizing the importance of understanding and reflecting on one’s learning methods.
Key Takeaways from the Study on Deliberate Erring in Learning
Reflecting on the comprehensive discussion of the study conducted by Wong and Lim, several key takeaways emerge, offering a fresh perspective on the role of errors in the learning process. These insights challenge traditional pedagogical approaches and open new avenues for effective teaching and learning strategies.
1. Rethinking Error-Avoidant Learning: The results from the study fundamentally challenge the traditional error-avoidant learning paradigm. The experiments underscore the value of incorporating deliberate errors into the learning process, suggesting that actively making and correcting mistakes can be more beneficial than avoiding them altogether.
2. Superiority of Deliberate Erring: The experiment demonstrated the superior outcomes of deliberate erring over traditional errorless methods like copying, underlining, and concept mapping. Notably, deliberate erring was shown to improve rote memorization and meaningful learning, enabling students to apply their knowledge in new contexts effectively.
3. Comparative Analysis with Other Techniques: In the experiment, deliberate erring proved more effective than generating alternative correct answers, a method typically associated with deeper semantic processing. This finding suggests that the unique benefits of deliberate erring stem specifically from the process of making and then rectifying errors.
4. Theoretical Explanations for the Derring Effect: Several theories potentially explain the effectiveness of deliberate erring:
- Enhanced Encoding: Correcting intentional errors may lead to more effective encoding of the correct information, making it more memorable.
- Reconsolidation Theory: This aligns with the idea that reactivated memory traces can be modified with new learning, enhancing overall memory retention.
- Strengthening Retrieval Routes: By engaging in additional cognitive processes beyond what the study material directly invokes, deliberate erring may strengthen the mental pathways to correct concepts.
5. Potential for Future Research: The study provides compelling evidence for the effectiveness of deliberate erring and opens doors for further research. Future studies could delve deeper into the mechanisms behind the derring effect and explore its theoretical foundations in greater detail.
This research underscores the significant impact of deliberate erring in learning, highlighting its potential to transform traditional approaches to education. It emphasizes the importance of embracing errors as a powerful tool for enhancing both the retention and application of knowledge, paving the way for more dynamic and compelling learning experiences.
Enhancing Learning through Deliberate Erring in Note-Taking: Practical Classroom Strategies
Incorporating deliberate erring into note-taking can be a powerful strategy for enhancing learning across various subjects. Here are five note-taking examples of how teachers can use this approach across content areas in their classrooms:
- Science Concept Reversal:
In science classes, teachers can ask students to write notes that deliberately mistake scientific concepts and correct them. For example, in a biology class, students might note, “Photosynthesis is the process by which plants consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide,” before correcting it to reflect the accurate process of photosynthesis.

- History Misconceptions Correction: In a history lesson, students could initially take notes with intentional errors about historical events or figures. For example, they might write, “The Berlin Wall fell in 1989, marking the beginning of the Cold War,” then correct it to “…marking the end of the Cold War.”
- Mathematical Equations and Theorems: In math, students could write down incorrect formulas or theorems and correct them. For instance, they might miswrite the Pythagorean theorem as a2+b2=c and then correct it to a2 +b2=c2.
- Language Arts – Literary Analysis: During a literature lesson, students could initially write notes that contain deliberate misinterpretations of a text’s themes or character motivations. Later, they would revisit these notes with a partner to correct and refine their analyses. For example, they might write, “In ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ ” Atticus Finch argues for the importance of maintaining the status quo,” then correct it to reflect Atticus’s advocacy for racial justice and moral integrity.
- Social Studies – Physical Features Misplacement: In a geography lesson, students could take notes where they intentionally misplace geographical features, such as writing, “The Sahara Desert is located in South America,” then correct it to “North Africa.” This exercise helps students better remember and understand the accurate locations and characteristics of geographical features.
These examples show how deliberate erring can be creatively applied in various subjects to encourage deeper engagement with the material and enhance students’ understanding and retention of key concepts.
Questions for Teachers and Administrators:
- Considering the different note-taking methods mentioned (Cornell, Outlines, Sketchnotes, Guided Notes), which methods might be more conducive to incorporating deliberate errors effectively?
- How comfortable are your teachers with incorporating errors into the learning process? What kind of professional development or support could help them feel confident using this strategy?
- Are there any potential concerns you see with implementing deliberate erring in the classroom? How could these concerns be addressed?
- How can we assess the effectiveness of deliberate erring in our classrooms? What metrics could we use to measure student learning and engagement with this approach?
- Beyond note-taking, are there other areas of the curriculum where deliberate erring could be a beneficial learning strategy?
Actions to Take:
- Pilot deliberate erring in a small group of classes across different subjects to gauge its effectiveness and gather teacher feedback.
- Develop a professional development workshop to introduce deliberate erring to teachers, address their concerns, and provide them with practical strategies for implementation.
- Create a collection of resources for teachers, including lesson plans, examples of deliberate errors in different subjects, and assessment strategies.
- Encourage collaboration among teachers to share their experiences with deliberate erring and develop best practices for using this approach.
- Conduct research to study the long-term impact of deliberate erring on student learning outcomes.
Wong, S. S. H., & Lim, S. W. H. (2022). Deliberate errors promote meaningful learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(8), 1817–1831. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000720