Impact of Previewing in Science: Example from the Classroom
May 17, 2023 May 17, 2023
In a 5th Grade Science classroom at Barnes Elementary School in Wilson County, the students and teachers had a secret folder.

The folder was the idea of the 5th Grade Science Teacher. This one particular class was scoring in the 20s and 30s on assessments. This was about half of what the other three classes were scoring. So the teacher created the folder and used it to preview Vocabulary with these students during their MTSS time.

The Impact
The class increased from 28% to 59%, which was in line with the other three classrooms. The results occurred for the two consecutive assessments. After visitors were shown their “secret folder,” the teacher told them that guests were impressed with their folders, so now they think they are famous. The teacher said that it was a “total mind shift for this class. They fought it at the beginning, but now they look forward to it. “