Accelerating Learning-Focused Lessons Trainers Institute

Advancing Student Performance and Closing Achievement Gaps

Options for This Event

  • Starts March 7, 2025
  • Hybrid Session that includes self-paced coursework and three two-hour synchronous sessions.

Essential Questions

How do I analyze LEARNING-FOCUSED Lessons to accelerate learning for all students?

How do I analyze Learning-Focused Lessons to accelerate learning for all students?

Why is Previewing and Scaffolding essential to increase student achievement?

Why is Previewing and Scaffolding essential to increase student achievement?

How do we provide systematic support for struggling students so they catch up and successfully learn grade level concepts?

How do we provide systematic support for struggling students so they catch up and successfully learn grade level concepts?


Embrace a Proactive Mindset

Exemplary teachers set high expectations for student learning but are also proactive and committed to implementing strategies for helping students meet those expectations. With Accelerating Learning-Focused Lessons, teachers use effective and expeditious teaching and learning practices for supporting and challenging students before, during, and after a lesson to ensure that each student reaches their academic potential.

Accelerating Learning-Focused Lessons provides a system for implementing strategies and practices that support struggling students with learning grade level concepts and supports the needs of students who require extra challenge. Systematic implementation of Previewing, Scaffolding, and Differentiation is critical for fully engaging all students, raising the achievement of all students, and closing any gaps. Acceleration ensures you can implement strategies that meet students' specific academic needs.

The third stage, Accelerating Learning-Focused Lessons, provides the resources, knowledge, and skills for proactively planning and teaching using specific strategies and practices that result in all students learning grade-level content faster.

Updated Framework Image

Accelerating Learning-Focused Lessons provides the roadmap to increased student self-efficacy.

Your Facilitator

Lindsey Hampton

Chief Academic Officer for Learning-Focused

During her 20+years as an educator, Lindsey served various grade levels and subject areas. For 8 years she led inclusive classrooms and taught advanced placement courses. Following her classroom years, Lindsey spent 10 years as an instructional coach, professional development specialist, and district administrator of new teacher induction. She has presented at numerous conferences, including the Florida Association of School Administrator Conference, the Tennessee Principals Association Conference, and the Kentucky Association of School Administrators. Today, she works directly with teachers and school leaders in the implementation of the Learning-Focused Instructional Framework.

Lindsey Hampton

Feedback from Previous Events

“When I started putting Higher Order Thinking Strategies into my lessons, it raised the expectations for me and my students.  I will never go back to the Monday through Friday lessons I used to plan. The Learning-Focused lessons frameworks help me understand how to chunk the information needed to teach my students which leads to even more rigorous assignments." - Kristen Walden, GA

"I have noticed that Learning-Focused trained teachers focus on standards and getting to the heart of what students really need to learn.  Teachers are ensuring that all resources are aligned with the concept.  I have seen great growth in teachers and students." - Chris Rogers, Math and Science Coach, FL

Learning Goals

Accelerating Learning-Focused Lessons provides teachers with a process for identifying points in each lesson where students struggle or need more challenge and strategies and practices for differentiating and personalizing each struggle and challenge point to ensure all students are successful.

You Will Be Able To...

  • Analyze lessons for rigorous Learning Goals and Lesson Essential Questions that reflect the rigor of standards
  • Differentiate Assignments to meet the needs of each student
  • Proactively plan and use previewing strategies and practices to build background knowledge prior to lessons
  • Proactively plan and use Scaffolding strategies and practices to support all students throughout lesson instruction

You Will Know...

  • Acceleration vs. Remediation
  • Proactive Planning
  • Types of Acceleration Practices
  • Previewing Strategies
  • Scaffolding Strategies

What You Receive

In addition to learning how to facilitate and redeliver the training for Accelerating Learning-Focused Lessons
participants will receive a trainer kit that includes the following resources and materials:

  • Accelerating Learning-Focused Lessons book
  • Accelerating Learning-Focused Training of Trainer Guide (Presentation Notes)
  • Accelerating Learning-Focused flipchart
  • Discount on future material orders
  • Strategies in Action: Scaffolding Strategies
  • Access to downloadable presentations
  • Lifetime membership to Learning-Focused Online (online platform for all trainer, teacher, and leadership resources)
  • Trainer Newsletter

When and Where

This virtual institute is designed for self-paced coursework and synchronous learning through Zoom.
This synchronous learning will consist of three two-hour sessions.

Virtual Training


  • Your Favorite Learning Spot


  • March 7, 2025
  • March 14, 2025
  • March 21, 2025

Time for Synchronous Session

  • 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
LF Center


Act fast, get your materials in time.

Registration for the institute is $675 per person.

Learning is better in teams! Register three people and receive a $150 discount off the third registration fee!

Participants are accepted on a full-payment, first-come, first-served basis only. Register today to get a quote.